All The Legal Stuff

All The Legal Stuff

All letters are written by actual living breathing human beings. These human beings do not claim to have or hold any formal licensing or degrees in psychology. We are not therapists. We are not doctors. We are not here to diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone in any capacity.  We are pen pals with a lot of love and compassion to share.

No product, service, or word on this website or received by mail has been ai generated.

All letters are strictly PG!

Any inappropriate letters received will result in a  permanent ban from receiving any further products or services. Any letters indicating harm to yourself or anyone else will be reported to your local authorities. We hold a zero tolerance policy and do not have to provide any warnings of your termination as a patron. If you are fired as a patron you will not receive any refunds of any money paid for service.

Memberships can be canceled at any time.

We do not provide refunds on any items mailed. Replacements may be provided on a case by case basis of any product damaged or lost in mailing.

Refunds on future non received services will be reviewed on a case by case basis and are not guaranteed.

All rights reserved

copyright 2024